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[US GOV - UFO] Com Int Reports UFO 01.pdf

1.033 Kb

[US GOV - UFO] Com Int Reports UFO 03.pdf

846 Kb

[US GOV - UFO] Com Int Reports UFO 04.pdf

777 Kb

[US GOV - UFO] Com Int Reports UFO 07.pdf

710 Kb

[US GOV - UFO] Com Int Reports UFO 09.pdf

929 Kb

[US GOV - UFO] Com Int Reports UFO 10.pdf

795 Kb

[US GOV - UFO] COMNAVSECGRU Visual Sighting Report.pdf

230 Kb

[US GOV - UFO] Now You See It, Now You Dont - by Captain Henry S. Shields, HQ USAFEINOMP.pdf

418 Kb

[US GOV - UFO] Report of U.F.O. Crash in 47 Called False by Science Panel - The New York Times.pdf

379 Kb

[US GOV] Joint Chiefs of Staff Report Concerning The Sighting Of A UFO In Iran On 19 September 1976.pdf

 571 Kb

[US GOV] Memorandum And Order - Citizens Against UFO Secrecy v. National Security Agency (Civil Action No. 80-1562).pdf

 189 Kb

[US GOV] Navy Report - Country Cuba, Subject UFO.pdf

266 Kb

0960 - Perry Rhodan - Das Serum.pdf

220 Kb

33.2 Operational Domains - Temporal And Spatial.doc

36 Kb

3rd Reich Wunderwaffen.pdf

1.313 Kb

A Warp Drive With More Reasonable Total Energy Requirements.pdf

98 Kb

Abduction Experience - A Critical Evaluation Of Theory And Evidence.pdf

143 Kb

Air Ship.doc

81 Kb

Alan Baker - Invisible Eagle, The History Of Nazi Occultism.pdf

3.444 Kb

Analyse Eines Fotos.pdf

651 Kb

Army Documents On Recovered Roswel Craft.pdf

1.001 Kb

Arquivo Ufo - Omar Bueno - Alerta Brasil.pdf

1.490 Kb

Ashtar Contacts 40 Pages Medial Peace Circle-Berlin Menetekel Victor Speer 1956-1975 - Jesus Christ.pdf

1.636 Kb

Ashtar Contacts 86 pages Medial Peace Circle-Berlin Menetekel Victor Speer 1956-1975 - Reincarnation.pdf

1.034 Kb

Aus Der Arbeit Der Regierungskommission Vrilia.pdf

487 Kb

Aviation Safety In America - A Previously Neglected Factor.pdf

287 Kb

Balls Of Lghts - The Questionable Science of Crop Circles.pdf

45 Kb

Beyond Great UFO Photos An Inquiry Into The Billy Meier Case - By Michael Horn.doc

556 Kb

Billie Meier The Henoch Prophecies - Billy Meier Ufo Case - Nexus Magazine, Vol 11 n.5 (Aug 2004) (Enoch).doc

 78 Kb

Billy Meier - Contact - Erra to Terra - Volume 1.pdf

6.426 Kb

Billy Meier - New Delhi Statesmen Newspaper Article (9-30-1964).pdf

242 Kb

Billy Meier - On World War III.pdf

113 Kb

Billy Meier - Spiritual Development - Laws And Commandments Of Creation.pdf

43 Kb

Billy Meier - UFO Contact Notes.pdf

12.431 Kb

Bob Lazar - Erfahrungsbericht Area 51 Ufos.rtf

45 Kb

Bob Lazar - Tecnologia Alien.pdf

542 Kb

Bob Lazar - Ufo Antriebs Experimente.rtf

46 Kb

Bob Lazar Interview.doc

877 Kb

Bob Lazar.doc

64 Kb

Bob Lazar's Story.doc

46 Kb

Botschaft Der Plejadier.pdf

324 Kb

Bourdais Gildas - UFO, 50 Tajemniczych Llat.doc

889 Kb

Briefing Document On Ufo Galbraith Rockefeller 1995 - Original.pdf

5.064 Kb

Briefing document on ufo Galbraith Rockefeller 1995.pdf

5.122 Kb

Canada's 'Avro' Flying Saucer - And German Disc.doc

51 Kb

Catalog of Military, Airliner, Private Pilots Sightings from 1916 to 2000.pdf

785 Kb


790 Kb


1.747 Kb


1.295 Kb


1.358 Kb


1.258 Kb


310 Kb

Chronologie Der Erde - UFO - Unsere Geschichte Neu Zusammengefasst.pdf

1.059 Kb

Chronologie Der Erde.pdf

528 Kb

Chronology Of The Roswell Event.doc

289 Kb

Cia Memo To Joint Intel Com On UfoS Near Military Bases.pdf

374 Kb

Classified Top Secrets.pdf

370 Kb

Comprehensive Catalog of 1,500 Project BLUE BOOK UFO Unknowns.pdf

683 Kb

Cooper, Milton William - The Ufo Conspiracy.pdf

42 Kb

Crabwoof Farm - Ita.pdf

471 Kb

Credo Mutwa Interview German (Ufo Alien Geheimbasen Götter Freimaurer).pdf

551 Kb

Crop Circles - 100 Photos (Pringle Lucy).pdf

6.146 Kb

Die Kontakte Mit Ashtar Studiengruppe Reutlingen Hermann Ilg 1992 - Am Ende Der Zeit.pdf

119 Kb

Die Problematik Rational Betrachtet.pdf

465 Kb

Die Vril-Energie und der Sealand-Generator.pdf

200 Kb

Documents - Project Blue Book.pdf

514 Kb

Dulce Book - Area 51 Underground.pdf

1.071 Kb

Dulce Papers.pdf

434 Kb

Effects of UFOs Upon People.pdf

65 Kb

Evidence For A Crash Retrieval In Cape Girardeau Missouri In 1941.pdf

1.381 Kb

FBI - Roswell Incident (FOIA).pdf

51 Kb

Fbi - Subject Blue Book.pdf

514 Kb

FBI - UFO - Scans of Documents and Articles.pdf

59.049 Kb

FBI - UFO 7 of 11 (FOIA).pdf

5.599 Kb

FBI Top Secret Document 1.pdf

5.189 Kb

FBI Top Secret Document 2.pdf

5.748 Kb

First Contact.doc

1.319 Kb

Forschung - MUFON-CES - UFO Typen - Katalog (ger).pdf

9.519 Kb

Fotocat Report 1 1954.pdf

586 Kb

Francisco Candido Xavier - Tracos Biograficos.pdf

40 Kb


691 Kb

Il fascismo e gli UFO.doc

936 Kb

Incontro con Bert Janssen e Janet Ossebaard.pdf

2.276 Kb

Inside The Spaceships - George Adamski Ufo Haunebu Vril.pdf

1.787 Kb


2.251 Kb

Majestic Document - Booklet on 1947 Roswell incident.pdf

320 Kb


608 Kb

Malanga, Corrado - Abduction Scenario.pdf

173 Kb

Malanga, Corrado - Sindrome Da Falso Rapimento.pdf

82 Kb

Malanga, Corrado - Transfert E Controtransfert.pdf

87 Kb

Matrix3000-07 2004-Free Energy Freie Energie Haarp Chemtrails Kornkreis Cropcircle Ufo.pdf

14.566 Kb

Memo from JFK on UFOS - Top Secret.pdf

127 Kb

Meteorological Factors in Unidentified Radar Returns.pdf

44 Kb

Ministry Of Defence Declassified Report On Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident 1980 Part 5.pdf

 2.083 Kb

MJ12 files - Teller - UFO Technology And The Imbalance Of Power.pdf

53 Kb

MJ12 files - UFO Linked Military Personnel Data.pdf

25 Kb

MJ12 files - UFO Sovereignty Over Air Space.pdf

72 Kb

Nash Forten Berry.pdf

36 Kb

Official UFO Documents.doc

59 Kb

Preface to "UFOs, An Air Force Dilemma" by Hector Quintanilla, USAF (retired).pdf

1.003 Kb

Project Superman Illuminati Montauk Experiments FULL.doc

388 Kb

Quo Vadis - Science And The UFO Problem.pdf

27 Kb


346 Kb

Rendlesham RAF Woodbridge Offical documents - Ufo File Part 1.pdf

2.004 Kb

Rendlesham RAF Woodbridge Offical documents - Ufo File Part 2.pdf

2.102 Kb

Rendlesham RAF Woodbridge Offical documents - Ufo File Part 3.pdf

1.850 Kb

Rendlesham RAF Woodbridge Offical documents - Ufo File Part 4.pdf

2.056 Kb

Roger Vigneron - Ovni Ufo Ce Dont Vous Connaissez Pas.pdf

1.308 Kb

Roswell, 58 Pages Ch Berlitz & W Moore - The Roswell Incident (1980).doc

298 Kb

SO-1 Classified Army UFO Manual.pdf

5.671 Kb

Statement On Unidentified Flyng Objects.pdf

186 Kb

Stevens - Hitlers Flying Saucers - A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War.pdf

8.246 Kb


633 Kb

Tesla Energie Libre Les Inventions Scientifique FR Ovni Ufo.pdf

1.077 Kb

The Case For The Extraterrestrial Origin Of Flying Saucers.pdf

57 Kb

The Case For The UFO Unidentified Flying Objects - By M.K. Jessup.pdf

821 Kb

The Disclosure Project - GoingTactical - Steven Greer M.D. (2004).pdf

95 Kb

The Disclosure Project - Greer - Cosmic Deception - Let The Citizen Beware [2002].pdf

74 Kb

The Disclosure Project - The Greatest Secret in Modern History.pdf

174 Kb

The Disclosure Project Briefing Document (500 pages of solid UFO evidence).pdf

39.271 Kb

The Mars Records 1.pdf

1.226 Kb

The Mars Records 2.pdf

4.041 Kb

The Meier UFO Contactee Case.pdf

367 Kb

The Nazi Ufo Enigma - english.doc

39 Kb

The Nazi Ufo Enigma - français.doc

40 Kb

The Nazi UFO Mythos.pdf

214 Kb

The Omega-File - Nazi Bases In Antarctica.pdf

65 Kb

The Roswell Incident.doc

20 Kb

The UFO Enigma - Congressional Research Report - Marcia Smith 1983.pdf

11.679 Kb

The Zero-Point Field and the NASA Challenge to Create the Space Drive.pdf

211 Kb

Toward Consideration of an Alleged Crash and Recovery of an Unknown Aerial Craft.pdf

749 Kb

Triangle Haunebu Naz Ufo Vril.pdf

387 Kb

Twenty-Two Years Of Inadequate UFO Investigations.pdf

327 Kb

1995 - english.doc

586 Kb

1995 - français.doc

644 Kb


190 Kb

Conspiracy - Who Are The Draconians.pdf

181 Kb

Document - Project Blue Book.pdf

534 Kb

Documents - Fbi Top Secret Files.pdf

767 Kb

Gov Documents Blue Planet Project The Truth About Aliens.pdf

9.641 Kb

Patents Usa (21).pdf

1.922 Kb

Patents Usa (76).pdf

880 Kb

Russia Bild 2003-06-18.pdf

258 Kb

Sightings By NASA Astronauts.pdf

893 Kb

Sitzung Euro Parlament.pdf

37 Kb

Technology - Ion Propulsion.pdf

581 Kb


2.056 Kb


1.116 Kb


335 Kb


426 Kb


466 Kb


455 Kb


125 Kb


102 Kb


599 Kb


418 Kb


1.643 Kb


844 Kb


748 Kb


285 Kb


212 Kb


199 Kb


228 Kb


202 Kb


187 Kb


201 Kb


210 Kb


71 Kb


2.348 Kb


1.891 Kb


1.198 Kb


607 Kb


402 Kb


145 Kb


2.701 Kb


765 Kb


813 Kb


813 Kb


1.141 Kb


667 Kb


4.592 Kb


5.586 Kb

Ufologie 03 (Die Kontakte mit ASHTAR UFO Medialen Friedenskreises Berlin Viktor Speer 1973) EURE ERDE.doc

 241 Kb

Ufologie 04 (Die Kontakte mit ASHTAR UFO Medialen Friedenskreises Berlin Viktor Speer 1962) AUFRUF AUS DEM KOSMOS.doc

 473 Kb

Unusual Lights.pdf

227 Kb

US Army - Majestic 12 UFO Official Manual.pdf

5.669 Kb

Vril Kosmische Urkraft.pdf

454 Kb

Wittenburg, Bernd Von Geheime Sache - Schach Der Erde.pdf

1.140 Kb

Zecharia Sitchin - The Case Of Adams Alien Genes.pdf

259 Kb

Zunneck - Geheimtechnologien 1 - Wunderwaffen Und Die Irdischen Facetten Des Phanomens.pdf

3.677 Kb